We cannot predict the future on whether or not the US economy is heading towards a recession or if we are currently in one, one thing is for certain things have significantly changed. Consumer habits are changing you might not notice it now but the negative effects will make their way through every company, regardless of industry and size. Within your business, you may have already been feeling the squeeze of stagflation and lower consumer spending.
Take a look at how Walmart, the US’s top retailer it is seeing the shift within its consumers spending habits. We see that consumers wages are not keeping up with inflation, which is now up 9%. A recession is looming, and it doesn't matter whether your customers are consumers of business. All of it is connected.
The Fed raised rates at the end of July as inflation continues to skyrocket. Since April of this year the Fed has taken steps to curb inflation, which included the steepest rate hike since 1994.
The Feds predict that today's rates will more than double by the end of 2022. That's why we want you to be prepared and we want you to understand your options for dealing with higher rates.